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As a Texas public school, Kingsland School students are required to take the STAAR tests in grades 3-8.  Students entering 9th grade are required to take End-of-Course (EOC) assessments as part of their graduation requirement. Satisfactory performance on the English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, and US History EOCs are required for graduation.  EOC exams are administered at the end of each semester in the spring, summer, and fall. Any student not meeting the satisfactory level on any EOC is expected to retest at the next available testing opportunity.

Fall 2024 Credit by Exam

Exam for Acceleration

A student will be permitted to take an exam to earn credit for an academic course or subject area for which the student has had no prior instruction or to accelerate to the next grade level.

A student in grade 6 or above will earn course credit with a passing score of at least 80 on the exam, or a score designated by the state for an exam that has alternate scoring standards. A student may take an exam to earn course credit no more than twice. If a student fails to achieve the designated score on the approved exam before the beginning of the school year in which the student would need to enroll in the course according to the school’s course sequence, the student must complete the course.

A student in grade K–5 will be eligible to accelerate to the next grade level if (1) the student scores at least 80 on each exam in the subject areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies; (2) the Principal recommends that the student be accelerated; and (3) the student’s parent gives written approval of the grade advancement.